Boxing: improve heart function and boost overall fitness levels
Achieving success in boxing demands dedicated efforts towards cardiovascular fitness. A complete boxing session encompasses intense cardio exercises, weight training, and running, all of which contribute to significant calorie burn.
The boxing session extends far beyond merely striking the pads. It encompasses a variety of elements, including warm-ups, footwork drills, mobility exercises, heavy bag work, and skipping. Embarking on a boxing journey brings forth numerous benefits. The high-intensity nature of boxing enhances heart function, leading to stronger heart muscles. Additionally, boxing workouts foster overall body strength as they combine both strength and cardio exercises, rendering each session a highly effective full-body workout.
Other Sessions
Special Needs
For many years, we have been dedicated to training both kids and adults with special needs.
Online Training
Online training is for individuals who struggle to make progress on their fitness journey in traditional gyms or those who frequently travel but still desire to stay committed to training
I believe that engaging a child in physical activity from an early age is one of the most beneficial actions a parent can take.
T: 070 9485 7568
Mon to Fri: 7:30 am — 1:00 am
Sat: 9:00 am — 1:00 am
Sun: 9:00 am — 11:30 pm
85 Royal Mint Street,
London, E1 8LG, UK